
     We had a first time lecture conducted by Mr. Lavin. We found books about various kinds and wrote some details. I found two books about Feedback and Autonomy. First book is Feedback in Second Language Writing written by Hyland. K and Hyland. F. 
How to provide appropriate feedback to students on their writing has long been an area of central signgicance to teachers.
This book includes articles by leading researchers who explore topics such as the social cultureal assumptions that participants bring to the writing class. Second book is Teaching and Researching Autonomy written by Benson. P. This book is written about interests in second language identities and popular culture and education.
Autonomy has become a keyword of language policy in education systems around the world, as the importance of independent learning and new technologics has grown.
     When I searched these books, I narrowed down the conditions. It was an important thing to find books quickly, so I will try that way when I write guraduation thesis.

