goldilocks and the threebears

I read "Goldilocks and the Three Bears", a series of Ladybird tales. It has published fairy tales for over forty years, bringing the magic of traditional stories to each new generation of children.
Children have always loved and will always remember there classic stories and sharing them together is an experience to treasure.
Once upon a time there were three bears who lived in a little house in a wood. Father Bear was a very big bear. Mother Bear was a medium-sized bear. Baby Bear was just a tiny, little bear. One morning, mother Bear  cooked some porridge for breakfast. She put it into three bowls.
 now at the edge of the wood, in another little house, there lived a little girl. Her golden hair was so long that she could sit on it. She was called Goldilocks. On that very same morning, before breakfast, Goldilocks also went for a walk in the wood.  
An encounter of two pairs made the happening cause. I care where she went...

Illustration of this book is so delicate and cute.

